Creating from Loss

The world has turned grey, nothing in it sparkles any more, dawns are dull, sunsets ashen, all sounds are muffled, my enthusiasm is sucked dry and my energy spent. I shut myself away to privately keen and howl and weep. I ask myself what is the point – of anything? Of...

Individual Aging: The Red Gate

Thoughts on our own aging….. Walking through filtered sunlight in the woods glowing with color and texture, we playfully crunch the dry leaves with each step and listen to how the bird calls and sounds of creatures weave together. It is a great day, we are in shape...

Contexts of the aging individual

Re-Generation : stories of a process. When I founded  Artworks at Mount Zion Hospital in San Francisco CA, in 1980 there was little understanding that everyone is creative in different ways, and that we continue to be creative as we age. We now know that expressing...