Learning to Love: Crossing the Generation Divide

Learning to Love: Crossing the Generation Divide

Published in HowlRound “a knowledge commons by and for the theatre community,” based at Emerson College. A description of the Mentoring program that I used to design and direct during my employment by a non-profit that serves seniors in Southern California. ...
Channels of Legacy

Channels of Legacy

I am perpetually filled with wonder at how a painting or a piece of music from another time and place can affect us; how they reach out across centuries and different lands, transcending spoken language and culture.  I remember tears flowing, standing in the caves in...
Ageism about face….

Ageism about face….

At a recent national conference on Aging in America, I was heartened by the collected energy of thousands of people focused on aging. In cafes and restaurants the excitement and enthusiasm crackled and bounced off the cavernous hotel lobby walls. Groups of attendees...
Values continue(d)

Values continue(d)

Like many of us, I have recently been forced to consider my values and those of the people who affect my life. It is an important exercise to reflect on the values we hold in theory and those that guide our actions. We have been presented with a great many...
Opening the Subject of Values

Opening the Subject of Values

With the change in world politics I feel it is really timely to open a discussion on values. The current political climate in the US particularly emphasizes the need for us to really examine our values and whether we either behave according to them or just pay...